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Advertising in Today’s Legal Market: Myths vs. Modernizing

 Posted on December 12,2013 in Legal Marketing

legal marketing in todays age"The more things change, the more they stay the same." Not necessarily or true when it comes to positioning your presence in today's expansive legal arena. The days of print advertising and relying on referrals alone are long gone.  So how do you compete for your next client in today's market?

Enter social media marketing (SMM).

Today's prospective client has questions and will browse the internet for the attorney who can provide the answers. A successful SMM campaign can make all the difference between a prospective client or a retained client. So what are the components of a successful SSM campaign?

  • Comprehensive Website
  • Informative Content Development
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Strong Profile on Social Media Sites
  • Interactive Platforms
  • Integration of Mobile Technology

But is the legal community incorporating all of these marketing options to successfully acquire new clients? It doesn't appear so.

According to the 2013 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report, 81 percent of attorneys are utilizing one or more social media components as a marketing tool but when asked how effective it is to maintain a strong presence via social media, only 19% reported its relevance for retaining new clients.

So why the disconnect? Change is difficult but denying the benefits of a SMM marketing plan can be costly. Today's consumer spends approximately 3.5 hours per day online. They turn to the internet to do their banking, plan vacations, shop online and yes, seek out professional services.

Will they find you? Probably not, especially if you are holding onto even one of these major misconceptions.

Top 10 Myths of Legal Marketing

  1. My business is generated by referrals.
  2. Advertising is too expensive.
  3. I advertise therefore I don't need a marketing plan.
  4. My marketing plan should bring instant results.
  5. My website is out there, so that’s enough.
  6. Hiring a Search Engine Optimization company should cover it.
  7. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are just for personal enjoyment.
  8. Blogs are overrated.
  9. Video production is costly.
  10. Who needs all those new-fangled Internet strategies?
  11. I can't get new clients by using social media.

According to industry statistics, three out of four prospective clients use online resources at some point in their search for professional services. The times are changing. So, it’s time for you to seek professional help if you still have these preconceived notions.

There are literally thousands of online marketing companies out there, so be careful. Research and contact those who work primarily with the legal community and offer services within these areas:

Research those who offer a free review of your current website or perhaps even a free quote before getting started. Don't sign up for a one size fits all shop, research those only working to provide cutting edge strategies to the legal industry and those whose main objective is to direct clients directly to you.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many law firms establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.
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