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Law Firms Realize Significant Returns on Digital Marketing Investments

 Posted on March 09,2017 in Legal Marketing

OVC Lawyer MarketingFor this year’s Super Bowl, advertisers shelled out an estimated $5 million for a 30-second television commercial broadcasted to the game’s estimated 111 million viewers. Large-scale television marketing, however, is not ideal for every industry or type of business. Others rely on more personalized, audience-focused ways of reaching potential customers, and a growing number are turning to digital marketing.

Our world has never been more closely connected. The rise of computer technology has redefined how business relationships are created and maintained. While television commercials, print media, and face-to-face interactions still have their places, digital marketing—including social media, email campaigns, and content production—is crucial to the success of virtually every company.

Digital Marketing’s Top Industries

Each year, more and more businesses begin to recognize the importance of monitoring and expanding their online reach. A recent study found that, today, more than four out of five companies have some type of defined digital marketing strategy. But, are the dollars spent really generating revenue? Is it worth spending money on digital marketing? According to the numbers, the answer to both questions is a resounding “yes,” as most businesses are seeing $5 or more for every digital marketing dollar they spend.

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