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Increasing Your Likeability Factor: Facebook Survival Tips for the Ages

 Posted on July 27,2014 in Social Media

facebook likeabilityEveryone wants to be liked. According to Psychology Today, it remains one of our basic primal instincts. We strive to attract, create and maintain a strong social network. Reaching as far back as the Stone Age, it was simple. Individuals hunted for food, water, shelter, and intimate relationships.

Essential to survival, groups were formed based on these four elements of these essential survival quests. As we continually evolve we still seek to fulfill these primitive but essential needs. Psychologically, this quest suggests the creation of groups who are now defining modern methods of survival in the Internet age.

Facebook appears to be our technological answer. So much so, that the Facebook Help Center provides us with a clear definition and instructions for increasing our professional and personal “likeability” factor.

"Like" is a way to give positive feedback or to connect with things you care about on Facebook. You can like content that your friends post to give them feedback or like a Page that you want to connect with on Facebook.

So how can you as a practicing attorney tap into the “power of like” to increase the interest of prospective clients, keep current clients informed, and ramp up your bottom line? With over 1.23 billion Facebook users worldwide, whether you love it or hate it, Facebook is the largest social media platform that can be utilized specifically to increase your "likeability.”

For those in the legal community, these helpful tips could double your clicks to increase your “likeability,” your client base and ultimately, your bottom line.

Stay Active

  • Share and tag your professional page from your personal Facebook page,

  • Share a few comments on similar pages where legal conversations are taking place, enhancing cross promotion opportunities,

  • Share professional photos or videos of any past legal events or future events you may host,

  • Share an interactive platform of encouraging your target audience to participate on your Page.

Creative Content

  • Share relevant content and professional photos and videos to capture and entice your target audience,

  • Keep current by updating your content on a scheduled basis to encourage sharing among your current or prospective clientele.

Advertising Attributes

  • Increase advertising opportunities on your Facebook Page,

  • Host sponsored stories on your Page targeting those who have already visited,

  • Consider Facebook Targeting features to assist with defining your target audience,

  • Reach out to target audience by uploading your client email distribution list,

  • If you use Facebook advertising, have your online marketing firm split test often.

Tie the Knot with Twitter

  • Link your Facebook Page to your Twitter account,

  • It is your call as to what status updates, photos and links are posted,

  • Facebook will automatically adjust content to Twitter’s 140-character format.

Promotional Priorities

  • Post a welcome sign in your office to invite clients to visit and like your Page,

  • Customize a user-friendly online business card to ensure searchability success,

  • Choose and link to relative advertising sites (print, radio and television),

  • List your Facebook information on all other relative marketing materials (print and online),

  • When networking one-on-one mention your availability via Facebook.

These tips will get you started. Whether you are already on Facebook or just beginning the process of establishing a strong social media presence, use your professional judgement or seek the assistance of a reputable online marketing firm for the legal community to further discuss your options.  As an attorney, it is important to remember that there is a definite disconnect between your personal and professional Facebook pages. If you have questions, contact the experienced lawyer marketing professionals at OVC, INC.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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