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OVC, INC. Lawyer Marketing Launches Illinois Child Support Calculator

 Posted on December 07,2015 in Legal Websites

Illinois child support calculator, lawyer marketingChicago-based attorney and law firm marketing company OVC, INC. announces the launch of the Illinois Child Support Calculator app and website.

OVC, INC. Lawyer Marketing is pleased to announce the launch of the Illinois Child Support Calculator app and accompanying website. The calculator is currently available on Google Play for Android devices and is planned to be released in the Apple App Store.

The Illinois Child Support Calculator tool allows divorcing parents the ability to estimate their child support obligations. The calculator offers important information regarding Illinois child support including the statutory guidelines and the determination of net income. The amount of child support a court orders for any particular legal case may be different from the calculator’s estimation.

While every divorcing couple’s circumstances are unique, the Illinois Child Support Calculator provides a rough estimate based entirely on the non-custodial parent’s gross income from their employer, along with the following deductions from the gross income: 

  • Federal income tax withholding;
  • Prior support orders actually paid;
  • Amount of children;
  • FICA; and
  • Union Dues.

OVC, INC. emphasizes that this calculator is for informational and educational purposes only. It is strongly recommended that users contact an Illinois bar certified family law attorney to discuss child support payments and any other divorce concerns.

More information about the Illinois Child Support Calculator can also be found on the newly released website: http://www.illinoischildsupportcalculator.com

About OVC, INC. Lawyer Marketing:

Since 1999, Greg Wildman and his online lawyer marketing company at OVC, INC. have released over 500 attorney websites across the country. The knowledgeable and passionate team at OVC, INC. is comprised of experienced content writers, web developers, designers, marketers, and search engine optimization specialists.

The Chicago-based online lawyer marketing company is dedicated to providing cutting-edge services with exceptional customer service at an affordable price. OVC, INC. offers innovative services beyond web design including social media set-up and management, digital press release distribution, online reputation management, pay-per-click marketing campaigns, legal directories, professional content writing, and search engine optimization.

Contact OVC, INC. today to learn more about the customized marketing services available to help drive your website and capture more business. Call 630-635-8000 or fill out the online contact form to speak to a qualified legal marketing professional regarding your firm’s marketing needs.

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