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Illinois Becoming a Battleground for Fantasy Sports Regulation

 Posted on January 07,2016 in Criminal Law

fantasy sports, Illinois laws, Online Marketing for LawyersDespite our commitment to serve the marketing needs of attorneys across the country, OVC, INC. is proud to call Illinois home. As such, we are very aware of the constantly changing legal environment as it effects The Land of Lincoln. Recent developments around the state have begun interesting discussion that could potentially effect a social activity popular in countless offices and workplaces. The issue in question is the legality of daily fantasy sports and a push by lawmakers to fully consider the future of such games.

Attorney General’s Comments

Last month, Illinois Attorney General Lisa issued a written opinion on the topic. Daily fantasy sports games, which involve participants selecting a team of professional athletes and competing based on the players’ actual on-the-field performances, have become a multi-billon enterprise in the last few years, led by sites such as FanDuel and DraftKings. Madigan expressed her take in letters to the two companies, stating that, “absent legislation specifically exempting daily fantasy sports contests from the [state’s] gambling provisions, it is my opinion that daily fantasy sports contests constitute illegal gambling under Illinois law.” She went on to say there is pending legislation to exempt the games from gambling prohibition, but that, in the meantime, she expected the companies to notify would-be bettors that they were not able to play in Illinois.

FanDuel’s Response

One of the two largest daily fantasy sports operators, FanDuel, responded to the Attorney General’s letter in a news release. “Chicago may be the best sports town in the country,” the company said, expressing confusion as to why she would want to prevent some 13 million people from playing fantasy games, and not just daily contests either. “Her opinion bans all forms of fantasy sports played for money.” FanDuel went to say that it hopes the State Legislature will give Illinois residents the opportunity to play the games they love. “A sports town like Chicago and a sports-loving state like Illinois deserves nothing less.”

Possible Impact

Earlier this week, state Rep. Scott Drury, D-Highwood, requested that a special committee be formed to investigate the daily games. The purpose of the committee would be to examine all of the details closely before making a legislative decision regarding the legality of fantasy sports for money. In the meantime, both FanDuel and DraftKings have filed lawsuits challenging the Attorney General’s decision, both of which are in the earliest stages.

The elimination of fantasy games could have an impact that is felt throughout the state, as such contests may be common right in your own office. Fantasy sports, tournament pools, and other types of casual games are a part of office environments around the country, a concept that we understand well at OVC. INC. If you are looking to work with a company that shares your values as you look to increase your firm’s visibility, call 630-635-8000 today and let us show you how we can help.






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