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How to Handle an Employee Cybersmear

 Posted on August 18,2016 in Reputation Management

OVC Lawyer MarketingFor many businesses and firms, meeting the needs and expectations of clients would be impossible without a dedicated team of employees working together for the betterment of the company. If you own a business, your employees are among your most important assets, especially those who are honest, loyal, and dependable. However, when circumstances or employee behavior leads to a termination, a disgruntled former staff member can quickly become a problem and a threat to your professional reputation. With countless internet forums available in which an angry ex-employee can post comments, rants, and veiled threats—actions collectively known as cybersmearing—the situation can spin out of control in just a few days. If you have recently parted ways with an employee that you think could be capable of such behavior, there are some things you can do to protect yourself and your business.

Knowing Where to Look

As far back as 1996, when the internet was still a relatively new phenomenon, its potential power was unmistakable. Even the United States Supreme Court recognized that by utilizing the internet, “any person with a phone line can become a town crier with a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox. While users have graduated from phone lines to Wi-Fi and fiber-optic connections, the premise is even more true today.

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