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How to Avoid SEO Penalties for Violating Google’s Anti-Spam Policies

 Posted on December 30,2022 in SEO

SEO Professionals

Search engine rankings can be a make-or-break issue for websites, and it is important for website owners to be aware of any factors that could have a negative effect on search engine optimization (SEO). One such factor is spam. While the term "spam" originally referred to unsolicited email messages sent in an attempt to scam people, it has grown to encompass multiple forms of harmful or unhelpful content on websites. In some cases, this content may be added to sites in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings, while in others, it may be intended to steal people's personal information, show them ads, or manipulate them into buying products or services. 

Because spam is an ongoing issue that can be both annoying and harmful, Google has taken steps to improve the experience of its users by decreasing the search rankings of sites that contain spam. Unfortunately, this may cause some sites to be inadvertently penalized because website owners were not aware that they had violated Google's policies. By understanding the types of spam that Google is looking for, site owners can make sure they are following the best practices for SEO and that they are taking the right steps to show up in search results.

Types of Spam Addressed by Google

Google's policies detail multiple types of content or other issues that could lead to a site being flagged for spam and penalized in search rankings, including:

  • Cloaking - A site should not attempt to mislead people by displaying different content to users than what is visible to search engines.

  • Doorway pages - Some websites or website pages may be created with the intent of ranking for specific searches, but users will be sent to intermediate pages that will simply redirect them to another site or to the main section of a website. These attempts to manipulate search results are considered to be spam by Google, and they could result in overall decreased search rankings for a site or group of sites.

  • Hidden text - Sites should not include text that is not visible to users and is only meant to add keywords to a page and influence search results. This may include invisible text that is the same color as the background of a page, text hidden behind images, or text that is positioned outside of a user's screen.

  • Hidden links - Some sites may include links to other sites as part of a scheme to boost search rankings, but these links may not be visible or provide any value for the site's users. A site may be penalized for attempting to hide links by linking from a single character, such as a period or hyphen, or other attempts to make links invisible to users.

  • Keyword stuffing - Sites should not attempt to manipulate search results by including an excessive number of keywords on a page. This may include using multiple similar pages with different titles that are meant to target similar search terms or repeating the same text over and over again in order to rank for specific search queries. 

  • Link spam - In general, sites should not attempt to manipulate search results by building backlinks that are deceptive or spammy in nature. This may include links to or from unrelated websites, low-quality directory websites, or sites that have been identified as containing malware.

  • Malware - Sites should not include any content that could potentially harm users. This may include malicious links, spyware, or other types of software that can infect a user's computer. Unfortunately, these issues may occur when a website is hacked to insert malicious code, irrelevant content or links, or other spammy information. In addition to taking steps to secure sites against being hacked, website owners will need to remove any content or code that may result in SEO penalties.

  • Misleading content or functionality - Websites should have high-quality content, and users should be able to complete different functions as expected. If a site's content is confusing or only exists to serve ads to users, or if tools do not function correctly, the site may be penalized.

  • Scraped content - Some sites may copy content directly from other sites without adding any new information or citing sources. Copying or compiling content without adding any value for users may result in SEO penalties.

  • User-generated spam - Sites that allow users to add content, such as comments or forum posts, may be penalized if this content is spammy or abusive.

Contact Our SEO Professionals

Staying abreast of all of these rules and ensuring that a site's content is free of any issues that could result in penalties can seem like an overwhelming task. To ensure that a site will rank well in search results while avoiding potential penalties, it is best to work with a team that understands the best practices for SEO. At OVC, INC., our SEO experts can provide guidance on how to improve your search rankings, and we can also make sure your site provides users with a great experience while helping you achieve your goals. To learn more about our SEO, website development, and digital marketing services, contact us at 630-635-8000.




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