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How Does a Website’s Speed and Usability Affect its Search Rankings?

 Posted on August 31,2022 in Search Engine Marketing

online marketing agency website speed optimization

While the internet provides anyone with the opportunity to create a website, publish content, provide helpful information, and connect with potential clients, actually getting people to visit a website is not always easy. While there are multiple ways to attract website visitors, one of the most important considerations for website owners is ensuring that their site will be found in online searches. By taking steps to improve how a site ranks in the results pages of search engines such as Google, a website owner can ensure that they will be visible to people who are looking for the information and services they provide. While there are multiple aspects of search engine optimization (SEO), some key issues to address include the speed of a site and the experience it provides to its users.

Page Speed and SEO

Google has stated that site speed is an important ranking factor, and this means that faster sites tend to rank higher in Google search results than slower ones. Site speed is important for two key reasons. First, fast loading times are essential for providing users with a good experience. No one wants to wait around for a slow website to load, and if a site takes too long, users are more likely to leave and look elsewhere for information, services, or products. Second, fast loading times can help improve a site’s conversion rate, as users are more likely to stay on the site and convert into customers if they do not have to deal with long load times while using the site.

Google uses a number of measurements to determine whether a site loads at a sufficient speed. These measurements address issues such as:

  • How fast content appears when first loading a page. Generally, a site visitor should be able to view the majority of a page's content within 2.5 seconds after clicking a link or navigating to a page on a website.

  • Whether there is any delay between a user's actions and the site's response. When clicking links, scrolling through content on pages, or interacting with other elements on a website page, the response times should be minimal.

  • Whether a page is "visually stable." If the layout of a page changes as images, videos, or other elements load, this can make it more difficult for people to read content or interact with a site.

User Experience (UX) and Website Usability

In addition to speed, another important aspect of SEO is providing users with a positive experience when they visit a website. This means creating a site that is easy to use, navigate, and find information on. A well-designed website will keep people engaged, while a poorly designed one will cause them to leave and look for other options. While the speed at which a site loads is an important aspect of user experience, other factors may also play a role in how people can navigate and interact with a site, including:

  • Mobile-friendliness -  A website should be designed to work well on both desktop and mobile devices, as more and more people are using phones and tablets to access the internet.

  • Clear and easy navigation - A website should be easy to navigate, with clear and easy-to-use menus and links to all of the site's content.

  • Limited use of intrusive elements - Pop-ups, ads, or other design elements that interrupt a person's ability to view content or navigate through a site should be minimized.

Contact Our Website Design Experts


At OVC, INC., we design websites that meet and exceed all SEO standards for speed and usability. We work to ensure that the content of a website is helpful and informative while being optimized to rank well in search results. We can also help you build and implement a complete digital marketing strategy and use tools such as social media and pay-per-click advertising to connect with your clients. To learn more about our services or to receive a free website consultation, contact our website and SEO professionals at 630-635-8000.

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