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How Can a Well-Designed Logo Help You Build Your Law Firm’s Brand?

 Posted on April 28,2021 in Branding

Branding, logo design, and digital marketing for law firmsA brand can be an essential element of a successful law firm, company, or organization. Your brand is a combination of your firm’s reputation in the marketplace with the promise you are trying to convey to your clients. In other words, your brand is your law firm’s personality. Important elements such as your firm’s values should be clearly expressed in all forms of branding. 

Your brand’s identity is made up of the visual elements that distinguish your law practice from others: your logo, the design of your website, the colors you use on your business cards and marketing materials, and more. It is important to maintain a clear, strong visual presence, and using consistent branding will help your law firm stand out. By working with an experienced graphic designer, you can design a logo and create branding that conveys the right message about your firm.

Identifying With a Brand

Your reputation as a successful attorney or law firm may increase referral traffic to your website, but it is your brand that confirms that you are the right choice for your client base. There are various ways to use your logo for your brand, such as on printed materials like letterheads, business cards, brochures, and billboards, as well as for digital purposes such as social media or email signatures.

Having a strong brand can: 

  • Build trust

  • Set you apart from your competitors

  • Enhance loyalty

  • Encourage connection with your clients

  • Maintain the right focus in your messages

When developing your firm’s brand, you will want to: 

  1. Research your target audience and competitors.

  2. Pick your focus and personality.

  3. Choose the right business name.

  4. Come up with a memorable slogan or mission statement.

  5. Choose the look of your brand, including fonts, and color schemes.

  6. Design an eye-catching logo.

  7. Apply your branding across your firm through digital and printed materials.

Brand awareness is the ability of your clients to recognize your brand in various forms or locations. You can build brand awareness by increasing your online presence through social media sites in addition to your website. Studies have shown that social media posts with graphics have significantly higher click-through rates, since images grab people’s attention. It is crucial to incorporate your brand into all of your messaging, both online and offline, and make sure you are consistent in how you present yourself to your current and potential clients.

Contact Our Law Firm Branding Experts Today

A professional, well-designed logo is an integral piece of your overall branding concept. It shows who you are and what you stand for. Our skilled and talented graphic designers can help you create a logo that will meet your unique needs. You can visit our online portfolio to see examples of the logos we have created for our clients, as well as the many different types of digital and print applications for these logos. At OVC, INC., we can also help you build a complete digital marketing strategy that will help you attract new clients and generate business for your firm. Call our graphic design and digital marketing experts today at 630-635-8000. 

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