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New Google Software Takes Aim at Trolls and Harmful Comments

 Posted on February 24,2017 in Website Content

OVC Lawyer MarketingWhen you read a newspaper or a magazine, discussing what you have just read requires you to find another person who is interested in the topic covered by the particular article or op-ed. When you read an article or news piece on the internet, in most cases, there is an opportunity for discussion available right on the very page you are reading. The conversation usually centers around the topic in question, and you do not usually need to wonder about the interests of those participating in the discussion since they have clearly clicked the link to read the article as well. In some situations, however, certain comments and commenters may actually distract from the constructive dialogue, with some comments even including hate-filled invectives and accusations. To combat this problem, Google is launching a new technology to help web publishers manage their content and keep it safe from harmful comments and internet trolls.

What Are Trolls?

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