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Google Search Algorithm Updates That Will Affect SEO in 2022

 Posted on January 31,2022 in Search Engine Optimization

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_1726250578.jpgThe majority of people who are looking for information online will perform searches through Google. Any changes that Google makes to the way it returns search results can have a huge impact on a site’s ability to be found in online searches. This illustrates the importance of search engine optimization (SEO), since websites that follow the correct practices are much more likely to show up in search results and be found by people who are searching for information online. Website owners will want to be aware of the following changes that Google has made that may affect them throughout 2022 and beyond:

  • Page Experience Update - One of the most significant updates Google made over the past year involved a focus on the experience that users have when they access a website. Google searches will now consider factors known as “core web vitals” that measure how quickly a page loads, the speed at which a site responds when people click a link or perform other interactions, and whether the visual elements of a site are stable or shift unexpectedly while someone is viewing a page. Google will also look at whether a site is easy to use on mobile devices, whether there are any intrusive ads or pop-ups that affect users’ experience, and whether a site is secure.

  • Multitask Unified Model (MUM) - Google has worked to incorporate artificial intelligence into its search algorithms in order to better understand what people are searching for. According to Google, MUM is 1,000 times more powerful than its previous AI techniques, which were known as BERT. These changes will help refine topics people are searching for and suggest subtopics that can provide relevant information. MUM will also help incorporate visual searches, return translated search results from content in multiple languages, and understand misspelled words in search queries.

  • Link Spam Update - As part of its continuing effort to improve users’ experiences on websites, Google has been targeting “link spam,” or links between websites that are included as an attempt to increase search rankings. Google may penalize sites that engage in these practices, and to avoid these penalties, website owners will want to make sure they are following Google’s best practices when they create links.

  • E-A-T and YMYL - Google’s “core algorithm updates” that were made in 2021 have focused on expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, or E-A-T. These updates have affected sites that Google categorizes as “your money or your life” (YMYL), meaning that they address people’s finances or quality of life. To ensure that they will be able to show up in search results, websites will need to have quality content that meets Google’s standards

Contact Our SEO Professionals

Staying on top of Google’s ongoing changes can be difficult, and in many cases, website owners may be unsure about how complex technological factors will affect their search rankings. For those who are concerned about these issues, OVC, INC. can help. We understand the best practices to follow for SEO when creating content and blogs, and we make sure the sites we develop meet Google’s standards. To learn about our services, contact our SEO experts today at 630-635-8000.




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