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Google’s Latest Update Emphasizes Helpful Content on Websites

 Posted on September 30,2022 in Website Content

website content creation experts

As a website owner, you know that making sure people can find you online is essential for driving traffic to your site, demonstrating the value you can provide for your clients, and encouraging people to reach out to you for help. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy, and because of this, you need to be aware of changes that may affect how your site will show up in search results on Google or other search engines. Recently, Google made a major update to its search algorithm that focuses on ensuring that sites provide helpful content for their users.

Issues Addressed by Google's Helpful Content Update

Your website's content is one of the primary factors that is used to determine your site's search engine rankings. To Google and other search engines, high-quality content is content that is informative, well-written, and relevant to the topic at hand. On the other hand, low-quality content is content that is poorly written, inaccurate, or irrelevant

With Google's latest update, it is looking to address content that is written with search engines in mind rather than people who are performing searches and engaging with a website. While including the right keywords in content is important, since this will let search engines know that a website page discusses the topics people are searching for information about, attempting to manipulate search results by stuffing content full of keywords or including unhelpful information could result in penalties that affect a site's search rankings.

By creating content with people in mind, website owners can make sure they are following Google's guidelines and providing helpful information that will answer people's questions. Google has noted that the helpful content update may address issues such as whether a website's content provides value for its existing audience. If a site is primarily focused on one topic, attempting to add information about unrelated topics in order to generate traffic from searches for that topic could result in penalties

Website owners should also make sure they provide visitors with a satisfying experience. If a person is searching for answers to a particular question, a site should provide them with the information they are looking for and let them know the next steps they should take. If a site's users will most likely need to perform additional searches to get information from other sources, this may be a sign that its content is unhelpful, which could have a negative effect on its search rankings

Ultimately, Google wants to make sure that people who search for information online can find the answers they are looking for. Because of this, sites that provide value for people and demonstrate first-hand knowledge of the topics being addressed will rank higher in search results.

Contact Our Content Creation and SEO Professionals

If you want your website to be successful, you need to make sure that it has high-quality content that follows SEO best practices. This will ensure that you will show up in search results for people who are looking for the types of services you provide. At OVC, INC., our digital marketing experts can help you create website content that will provide the value your clients are looking for, and we can ensure that you follow the right steps to ensure that your site will be found in online searches. Contact our website content creation experts today at 630-635-8000 to arrange a free website consultation.




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