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Google Algorithms May Save Patients’ Eyesight

 Posted on November 29,2016 in Changes with Google

OVC Lawyer MarketingIn 2002, a character in the teen adventure-drama Buffy the Vampire Slayer used the word “Google” as a verb for the first time on television, at least according to Charles Arthur, writer of the book Digital Wars. Google.com had only been registered as a domain for five years when Alyson Hannigan’s Willow asked “Have you Googled her yet?” making reference to the search engine that would soon become the most popular and powerful in the world.

A few years later, as “Google it” entered the American lexicon as a common direction given to someone looking for information on the internet, Google released a statement expressing concern over the use of the word as a generic trademark for a web search. Fast forward another decade and, while we still use “Google” as a common verb, most of us actually mean using one of Google’s many platforms to find the answers we need.

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