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Getting the Most Out of Your Pay-Per-Click Marketing Campaign

 Posted on November 06,2015 in Pay-Per-Click

pay per click, PPC, OVC Marketing for LawyersWhen a potential client is searching the internet for services that your firm offers, you probably realize that it is extremely important to have your name listed among the top-ranked search results. Through various Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, your website can earn higher rankings, and organic traffic is likely to increase. But, what you may not know is that there is often a way to push your office directly to the top—as in, your name can appear literally above every other search result. A well-designed, strategically-implemented pay-per-click marketing campaign can help your firm reach levels of online visibility you may have never thought possible.

What is PPC?

Pay-per-click, or PPC, is a search engine marketing technique and advertising model that helps direct internet users looking for particular information and services to websites that can meet those needs. Rather than charging a flat fee for running an advertisement—like commercials during a football game, for example—a PPC campaign charges the advertiser a nominal fee each time a user clicks on the ad. Therefore, a company or firm investing in PPC must be sure that they are able to successfully convert enough interested users into paying clients or risk a negative rate of return on its marketing investment.

One of the most efficient PPC models can be found in the implementation of Google AdWords. AdWords, when utilized correctly, can help your firm target prospective customers with specific needs, in specific areas, and only requiring you to pay for the users that actually visit your website. A successful PPC effort, however, is not as simple as pressing a few keys and letting Google do all the work. There are a number of steps that you and your marketing team—like the professionals at OVC, INC.—should take in the preparation process to be sure that your PPC investment is money well spent.

Have Clear Goals

Before starting a pay-per-click campaign, it is important to know what you want to get out of it. Do you want to generally increase web traffic? Do you want at least one new client per month from it? Whatever your goals may be, your PPC program needs to be set up to accommodate them. Understanding your objectives will help you focus your efforts on areas of importance, rather than wasting time, money, and energy on things that need less attention.

Stay on Target

Once your goals are established, you and your marketing advisors will need to identify the particular search terms with which you want your ad to be associated. You not only want to capture words related to the services you offer, but those that clarify your geographic location and service areas as well. It is also possible to implement a “negative-keyword strategy” which avoid wasting money on users looking for services that you are not inclined to provide. For example, if your law firm does not represent clients in worker’s compensation cases, you can avoid having your ad show up when that search term is used.

Analyze and Make Adjustments

The world of online marketing is constantly evolving, and users’ preferences change all the time. By monitoring your PPC campaign’s performance, you can continually make improvements as needed. If a particular search term is working well, try others that are similar. If one is not working so well, replace it with a better one. There are a variety of analytic tools available to help you and your team recognizes areas of strength and those that need improvement.

If you would like to learn more about pay-per-click marketing, contact the experienced team at OVC, INC. As a certified Google Partner qualified to manage AdWords campaigns for our clients, we can help you put together a comprehensive strategy that will help your firm increase its digital footprint and online visibility. Our company has been providing state-of-the-art marketing services to attorneys around country since 2008, and we are ready to put that experience to work for you. Call 630-635-8000 today to speak with one of our knowledgeable marketing professionals.






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