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Facebook Announces Increased Live Video Streaming Options

 Posted on April 07,2016 in Online Videos

social media, video marketing, OVC Online MarketingThe world’s largest social media outlet has set its sights on a new type of online connectivity that may eventually blur the line between social networking and television-type entertainment. This week, Facebook announced that it would be rearranging its mobile interface to bring increased attention to its live streaming video feature that allows users to share real-time video updates with their friends and followers. Live video, thus far, has only been available on Facebook for media publishers and high-profile celebrities, but bring the feature to all users has been a priority for CEO Mark Zuckerberg. While the effort is still in its infancy stages, the increased traffic and unique connections offered by live video promise to provide interesting opportunities for marketing products and services.

Beyond the Social Network

To many people, Facebook will always be a social media site—a forum for connecting with friends and loved ones and browsing during leisure time. The company and CEO, however, see the site as so much more than that, and, over the last few years, have really started to demonstrate why. Facebook boasts over 1.5 billion users around the world, giving it the power to bring people together on a scale that is unprecedented throughout human history. Users check their News Feeds on a regular basis—often several times an hour—to keep up with friends, loved ones, the latest Hollywood gossip, and even newsworthy current events and commentary.

New Opportunities

While the services and connectivity that Facebook offers are useful and in demand, at its core, the site is an ad-driven money-making machine. In 2014, the company brought in more than $12 billion in advertising revenue, a figure that jumped to nearly $18 billion in 2015. Live video provides an avenue for increasing these numbers even further. With more users coming to the site and staying longer thanks to engaging live video streams, advertisers will be waiting with their brand messaging. Experts also believe that live video is the next step in Facebook’s journey toward television-type programming and broadcasts.

Marketing Power of Video

Facebook users already watch an estimated 100 million hours of video on the site per day. This creates enormous opportunities for companies who learn how to properly use video marketing. With extensive reach, accessibility, and personal nature of the medium, video is quickly becoming a top avenue for many marketing professionals. Live streaming video will be no different. Well-designed marketing campaigns will utilize the power of live feeds to connect with prospective clients, build trust, and increase brand awareness.

To learn more about the advantages of video marketing for your firm, contact OVC, INC. We have been creating state-of-the-art online marketing campaigns for attorneys nationwide since 2008, and we understand how to make video work for you. Call 630-635-8000 to discuss growing your business with one of our experienced professionals today.






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