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Expanding Your Mobile Marketing Strategies

 Posted on December 10,2015 in Mobile-Friendly Sites

mobile marketing, mobile websites, OVC Marketing for LawyersMuch as the world itself is constantly changing and evolving, so is the landscape of advertising and marketing. Once upon a time—and still to some extent today—the pinnacle of marketing for a company was to attach its name to a popular radio or television broadcast. Consider how after the 1938 debut of Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds, the host radio program, then called The Mercury Theatre, attracted Campbell’s Soup as a sponsor and became The Campbell Playhouse. This weekend, the annual Army-Navy football game will be proudly presented by USAA, a company that offers financial and insurance services to members of the armed forces and their families.  

Name repetition, however, is not enough for most consumers. Companies have quickly begun to realize this, and while Cartoon Network programming will probably always be sponsored by toy companies and cereal makers, marketers have shifted their primary focus toward other avenues. Today, the modern consumer spends several hours per day engaged with a mobile device, including smartphones and tablets. This means that companies must have a plan for reaching prospective customers in a manner conducive to a mobile lifestyle.

Understand Your Target

Generational differences have always played a major role in how businesses present themselves to various audiences. Mobile marketing provides another prime example of important this can be. Nearly one fourth of millennial shoppers, for example, access retail advertising on their mobile devices, compared to a mere 10 percent of baby boomers. Millennials are also much more likely to use social media outlets on a mobile device than baby boomers, by a ratio of about three to one. By knowing who is reading your content and accessing your website, you can customize the experience to meet their specific needs.

Connect into Social Media

If you are on Facebook or Instagram, how often do you check in on your account? Once a day? Five times a day? According to growing research, many users access their social media feeds up to 17 times per day or more, a large portion of which is from a phone or tablet. This creates almost unlimited potential for you and your brand to increase exposure and brand-recognition. It is important, though, to develop a sound social media strategy with carefully controlled, but very honest, interactions. Spamming users’ news feeds is not the way to get them to remember your business; offering useful insight and professional courtesy is more likely to work well.

Harness the Power of Mobile Devices

Your smartphone probably has a camera, a GPS receiver, and dozens of other tools that make it much more than just a talk and text device. Think about last year’s viral video craze known as the Ice Bucket Challenge. More than million videos were shot, most of them with cell phone cameras, and uploaded to Facebook of participants pouring a bucket of ice water over their heads to raise awareness and donations for the ALS Association and other charities. While your company probably doesn’t need an Ice Bucket Challenge, you and your team can develop creative ideas of your own for helping your community while promoting your brand.

For assistance with developing a mobile marketing strategy that can help take your firm to the next level of online visibility, contact the team at OVC, INC. Our experienced professionals have been providing cutting-edge marketing services to attorneys since 2008, including mobile-optimized websites and comprehensive social media campaigns. Unlock your company’s potential with a marketing approach that can literally put your name at the fingertips of prospective clients. Call 630-635-8000 to schedule an appointment today.  







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