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An Exercise in Memorization: The Importance of The Periodic Table of SEO Ranking Factors for Today’s Practicing Attorney

 Posted on June 23,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

Do you remember memorizing The Periodic Table of Elements back in the day? Being able to identify the 112 contributing elements seemed an unnecessary evil to achieve a passing grade in chemistry. School age kids are now charting the Table as early as the fifth grade. Do you also remember the collective class sigh of relief when the pop quiz was over? Personally, you may have even felt a fleeting sense of achievement only to realize The Periodic Table quickly became a distant memory of your educational existence.

For those in the legal industry interested in achieving a passing grade when it comes to successful execution of search engine optimization or SEO, a new table has emerged. Although you may not be studying chemistry, becoming familiar with The Periodic Table of SEO Ranking Factors may very well be your next marketing assignment.


For the solo attorney, firm, or online marketing firm intern, the first lesson of search engine optimization is to ensure that all online content is achieving a “Grade A” combination of ranking factors, better known as “signals” as a scientific approach to increase your content ranking. The lesson begins now.

Lesson I

The Table is strategically separated into two sections, On-The-Page-Factors and Off-The-Page-Factors. It is then separated into seven subsections with defined rankings. To further explain the Table, those elements ranking at a three (3) often carry more weight than those factors with a one (1) or two (2) rating but take note, no single element is the magic key to SEO success. To ensure your signals are working for you, utilize several high ranking key factors to increase your odds of SEO success. Noting those elements highlighted in red, such as: Vp; Vd; Vl; Vs; Vt; Vh; Vc; and Va are ranked as negative or violation elements. The use of these will decrease your odds of achieving a passing grade in SEO optimization.

Lesson II

On-The-Page Factors - this section of the Table contains three subsections which are directly defined and controlled by the publisher:

  • Content
  • HTML
  • Architecture

There are a total of 19 individual factors are categorized across three subsections. These elements cover a broad spectrum of such factors as quality, research, titles, structure, and speed, just to mention a few.

Off-The-Page Factors - This section of the Table presents four subsections which are directly influenced by readers, visitors and other publishers to online content sites:

  • Links
  • Trust
  • Social
  • Personal

This section contains 15 individual factors categorized under the above four subsections. Examples under this spectrum range from quality to history.

This may not be a lesson in chemistry or one that is memorized and never brought to mind again. For those seriously wanting to achieve success in the SEO optimization of all online content, learning to incorporate all these factors can greatly increase your online ranking and your online profile. It is also an exercise in increasing your client base and your return on investment of your marketing dollar.

After you have completed your memorization exercise and are seeking to improve your ranking through the use of these elements our experienced team will bring to the table our proven methods of search engine optimization that have been achieving high marks since 2008. At OVC, INC. we understand that quality SEO is a continual process. We will regularly review your site traffic and your conversion rates as well as regularly audit and tweak content to meet your SEO and marketing goals. Contact us today for a free evaluation of your website.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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