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Online Marketing for Lawyers: Exposure Meets Ethics

 Posted on September 09,2014 in Campaigns

lawyer ethical issuesIt is absolutely critical in today’s competitive digital age to have a properly maintained website for your law firm. Many make the mistake of trying to establish a proper digital footprint without the help of marketing professionals, which can have many negative consequences.

A website alone is no longer sufficient to get the exposure you need; the increased inter-connectivity the Internet provides has significantly complicated the realm of digital marketing. This higher level of complexity has lead to a completely new set of ethical issues. It is critical to understand them when posting any web content.

Consider the following possible ethical issues when posting any web content for your law office:

  • Making unsubstantiated claims: Inadvertent, unsubstantiated claims can extend to a much broader scope than you would imagine. This extends to your social media as well, including recommendations written by others on Linkedin calling you “the best in the country.” Some states even bar you from giving a specialty without proper accreditation.

  • Professional relationships: It is commonplace for any business to include a “contact form” on various online platforms. Be very wary of this as a lawyer. Allowing a client, or prospective client, to digitally enter information regarding a case without the proper disclaimers puts you at risk for an ethics violation. Once the communication becomes two-way, the boundary is crossed.

  • Always monitor your content: Whether written by a direct employee or a ghostwriter, the content on your website is ultimately your responsibility. It is very important to monitor your own digital presence - from websites and blogs to social media accounts - as a method of quality control against ethical violations.

  • Everything matters: Consumer-based websites exist that offer a platform for reviewing goods and services without any oversight from the business themselves. Theoretically, you could be committing an ethics violation without even knowing it.

The Internet carries with it one key attribute that no other traditional marketing outlet ever carried: permanency. Once content has been published, it is almost impossible to ensure it is completely gone, making it all the more important to evaluate any and all possible issue before it arises. Consider the use of a reputable online marketing agency for the best content possible.

The experienced team at OVC, INC. can advise your digital strategy when it comes to marketing your law firm online. If you have questions and are eager to get started, contact us today at 630-635-8000 for more information about how we can bring your marketing vision into focus.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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