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Essential Features That Should Be Included in a Law Firm Website

 Posted on July 31,2023 in New Websites

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_1067423849-min.jpgAt a time when more and more people are using the internet to search for help with the issues they need to address, many law firms are looking to establish an online presence and ensure that people can find them. A well-designed website can help a law firm establish credibility, generate leads, and stay in touch with clients. When creating a website that demonstrates a law firm's credibility and explains how it can help meet people's legal needs, it is important to understand the top features that can help a firm gain a competitive edge and connect with potential clients.

Up-to-Date Legal Information

A law firm will want to make sure its website provides accurate, relevant information about the legal issues it can help clients address. Potential clients will be looking for answers to their questions about various legal concerns, and a website's content can help people understand the laws that may affect them, the requirements they will need to meet during legal cases, and the steps they can take to protect their rights and resolve their concerns. Well-written content pages that outline a firm's practice areas and explain how its attorneys can address clients' needs will encourage potential clients to contact the firm for legal help.


A regularly-updated blog is an excellent way to ensure that a law firm's website addresses relevant issues and provides people with the information they are looking for. Blogs can discuss changes in the law, legal news, relevant cases, and other information that may affect potential clients. They can also answer questions people are likely to search for. A well-written blog can demonstrate that a law firm is up-to-date with the latest trends in the industry, and it can boost the reputation of a firm's attorneys as reputable legal authorities in their areas of practice.

Social Media Feeds

Social media is a great way for a law firm to engage with clients and keep them informed about the news and events, as well as legal issues they may need to address. Adding social media feeds to a law firm's website can ensure that clients are informed of new developments, and it can encourage them to participate in conversations, ask questions, and connect with the firm's attorneys.

Video Content

Videos are becoming increasingly popular ways for people to share information with others online. There are numerous types of video content that can be included on a law firm's website. Videos can be used to explain a firm's philosophy, highlight attorneys' legal knowledge, showcase speaking engagements, or answer people's questions. This can be an effective way to add a personal touch, educate clients about legal issues, and encourage people to contact the firm.

Testimonials and Case Results

Potential clients will often want to know about a firm's past successes and how it has helped people address their legal needs. Client testimonials and case results can build credibility and help people know what to expect when they work with the firm. Case results can demonstrate the types of legal issues the firm handles while emphasizing the positive outcomes that previous clients have experienced. Testimonials from past clients can help people understand the benefits of working with the firm while giving them an idea of the approach its attorneys will take when handling their cases. These features can help a law firm build a positive reputation and encourage contacts from new clients.

Contact Our Law Firm Website Experts

At OVC Lawyer Marketing, we know what features will make a law firm's website successful. By designing an appealing website that is optimized to show up in search results, creating content and blogs, posting on social media, and implementing a complete digital marketing strategy, we can help ensure that a law firm will be able to connect with potential clients. To learn more about our services, contact our website development professionals at 630-635-8000.

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