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Despite Digital Amnesia, U.S. Internet Users Feel Better Informed

 Posted on July 24,2015 in Uncategorized

digital amnesia, informed consumers, OVC Online MarketingWithout looking your cell phone, what is your neighbor’s phone number? How about a different question: Do you know your checking account number? If you having trouble recalling pieces of information such as these, you are not alone. According to a recent study, there may be direct correlation between the availability of information on the internet or stored on cell phones and an increasing failure of people committing that information to memory.

Google Effect and Digital Amnesia

The study was conducted by Kaspersky Lab, an international software security group, whose reach includes nearly 200 countries and territories around the world. Kaspersky Lab looked to build on previous findings from 2011, in which Harvard-based researchers, along with those from other universities, identified what they referred to as "the Google Effect." The Google Effect was meant as a description of how younger people’s method of remembering information is changing; specifically, they retained fewer distinct pieces of data but could easily remember where to find it online when needed.

Kaspersky Lab, however, found that the Google Effect is not limited to information available online. It is increasingly prevalent among smartphone users who store personal and professional information on their mobile devices, the study suggested. More than 91 percent of the study’s participants admitted their dependency on the internet and devices as a tool for recalling information. Up to half would go online for answers before trying to remember, while nearly a third would forget a fact they found online as soon as they used it.

The researchers dubbed the short-term retention of such information "Digital Amnesia," while finding it to be surprisingly apparent among older age groups. Adults 45 and older were the most likely of all age groups to admit that they would turn to online resources instead of relying on their own memory. Across all demographics, however, only about one in three American consumers will write down or commit to memory something they consider important, especially knowing they can look it up at any time.

Well-Informed Consumers

Seemingly in direct contrast to the findings of Kaspersky Lab, a separate survey found 87 percent of adult internet users feel that online resources and cell phones have helped their ability to learn new things. This survey, conducted by the Pew Research Center late last summer, indicated that a majority of internet users appreciate the availability of information, especially when making purchase and business decisions. While many online adults use the internet to stay up to date on news, pop culture, and hobbies, a full 81 percent of American web users report that their cell phone and internet use has helped them be more informed about available products and services than they may have been five years ago.

What Does it Mean?

While the results of these two studies seem to be addressing very different perspectives, taken together, they can provide a great deal of insight to the American consumer mindset. If both are assumed to be true, then the average online adult is likely to look to the internet for information on purchases and business relationships, and then to continually return to reliable resources to refresh his or her memory. As the number of online Americans continues to grow, your company’s digital presence is becoming more important than ever before. As potential clients find your website, it is important to understand that they will likely visit more than once, but only if you can provide helpful information and a user experience worth remembering.

This is where our team is equipped to help. Our experienced professionals are prepared to work with you in creating a website that not only offers helpful and informative content, but also ease of use on both desktop and mobile platforms. Since 2008, OVC, INC. has been providing attorneys’ offices with state-of-the-art online marketing services including world-class web design and support. Contact our office today at 630-635-8000 and learn more about how we can help your company stand out from the crowd in today’s digital landscape.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.
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