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Darwin and Digital Branding: Stepping into the Future of Electronic Marketing

 Posted on July 07,2014 in Legal Marketing

digital branding for lawyers"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." -Charles Darwin

Remarkable. How could Darwin forecast our future? This quote can surely capture the essence of how we as a legal community are now conducting our business.

Gone are the days of branding via television and radio as a way to market our practice, symbol or design that will differentiate our services from all others. In today’s market, SEO or search engine optimization is the ultimate source of change in digital marketing.

It appears as the social media marketing evolution continues, digital branding has become just as important as creating and maintaining a relevant professional website for introducing your services to your target audience. It is now imperative for online marketers to focus on increasing their brand visibility by sourcing the most effective social media branding tools to capture consumers with bursts of significant and relevant material.

Just when you thought you and your online marketing firm had all your social media marketing components covered, the complexities of digital branding have now been introduced to your expanding marketing vocabulary. Perhaps the following information can provide some insight into how you will personally process and define digital branding for your practice.

The Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

Is the ultimate goal of establishing and increasing consumer awareness of your practice brand. It is suggested that there is a significant correlation of how the appearance of a brand on the search engine results page will increase recognition. In layman’s terms, those brands that appear higher on the search engine results page or SERP will enjoy higher consumer recognition. Higher rankings on SERP equal more clicks per view. To further enhance this concept:

  • You will be able to direct your prospective clients to embrace your knowledge and perception about your brand by increasing your traffic from Google’s SERP,
  • Your website, experiencing a high search ranking, will also increase your brand visibility possibly creating a higher rate of consumer decisions,
  • Organic traffic is also affected. Targeting your brand to the SERP is also a method to increase your search ranking.

Social Media Mixer

Utilizing various modes of available media channels is a modernized approach to SEO marketing. By promoting your digital brand by incorporating video and image marketing in conjunction with your marketing content can also improve your search engine optimization. A qualified online marketing firm can offer SEO services that will expand your media marketing solutions that can be easily integrated into your brand marketing goals.

  • This step may take a bit of trial and error but once achieved it could easily increase your brand visibility and your client list.
  • Discuss with your marketing representative the use of professional videos, images and graphics such as relying on relevant keywords and phrases. The use of Metatags and adding descriptions to your videos and images is also important.
  • Decide on what works best for you and your practice but remember the importance of keeping it fresh and relevant to entice your target audience.

The Benefits of Google+

You want to be perceived as a reputable and trustworthy member of the legal community. It is important to project a digital brand that portrays this to your consumer audience. By utilizing Google+ you will be able to capture the interest of your target audience. Google+ profiles provide all digital marketers with an added measure of exposure.

  • Google+ provides your brand’s digital footprint across the internet via your Google+ profile.
  • Take advantage of Google+ to continually promote your brand by working with the Google+ publisher feature. This option provides authorship of all authorized content tied directly to you and allows for the growth of professional authorship tied specifically to your image.
  • Use demographic research to reach out and touch a new target audience interested in your type of brand. Google+ Circle is also tied into your Google+ account increasing exposure on the social media platform.
  • Professionally tend to your link traffic permitting your audience a simplified avenue to associate your brand as one of professional expertise and whose authorship is trusted and interesting to others.

Promoting Brand Awareness

Promoting brand awareness with search SEO are destined to become fast friends in your social media marketing campaign. Principally, brand marketing should included specifically targeted traffic resulting from better search results.

  • Consumers now have an expanded playing field. The use of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube increases your options for brand awareness.
  • Comments, recommendations, feedbacks, social mentions and word of mouth are the rewards of establishing a highly recognizable internet brand.

It is a lot to take in but perhaps Darwin’s quote could possibly depict a measure of futuristic  truth with regard to our projection of our goods and wares in the internet age. True, we have to remain diligent, increase our endurance and make intelligent marketing decisions but even more importantly, to paraphrase Darwin, we have to remain openly responsive to continual change.

If you need assistance building your brand as well as incorporating it into your overall social media marketing package, consider contacting the leading edge of online marketing for the legal industry. Since 2008, OVC, INC. has maintained a strong foothold in the present and future trends of social marketing media. Contact us to discuss your options for increasing your brand and SERP ranking. Your future arrives today.
Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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