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Congratulations to Jacob Paul, Winner of OVC’s Fall 2022 Scholarship!

 Posted on July 29,2022 in Scholarship

scholarship winnerTwice a year, OVC, INC. offers college students the opportunity to win a $1,000 scholarship that will help them pursue a law degree. Our “Market Yourself” Scholarship recognizes students who are considering the types of services they plan to provide for clients, the values they wish to promote, and the ways they hope to make their legal practice stand out from other attorneys. Each applicant is asked to submit an essay in which they imagine that they have founded their own law firm and detail how they plan to promote their legal practice and connect with potential clients.

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Fall 2022 “Market Yourself” Scholarship is Jacob Paul, a graduate student who is attending Villanova University. Jacob’s essay exhibited professionalism and creativity, detailing how his legal practice would provide services related to transactional matters, mergers, and taxation and serve a wide range of clients. He also detailed his commitment to providing pro bono services to religious organizations and other non-profits. Through this essay, it is clear that Jacob will put a great deal of thought into how he can help his clients while focusing on providing quality legal services to those who need them.

The Benefits of a Scholarship Program

In addition to offering scholarships to college students, OVC works with law firms to establish scholarship programs of their own. These programs can be a great way to give back to the community, support students who need assistance, and promote causes that a firm’s attorneys believe in. They can also be a powerful marketing tool that demonstrates a law firm’s values and shows that it is committed to building a positive future for the legal profession and the people in its community.

For law firms that wish to offer scholarships, OVC builds custom-designed website pages that provide information about how people can apply and allows applicants to submit information through intuitive contact forms. We also work to promote scholarships to colleges and other organizations throughout the United States. This can result in significant search engine optimization (SEO) benefits, making a law firm’s website more likely to show up in online search results when people are searching for assistance with legal issues.

Contact Our Marketing Professionals for Help With Scholarships and SEO

At OVC, INC., we are gratified to be able to help students by offering scholarships and assisting law firms in creating scholarship programs. We are currently accepting applications for our Spring 2023 “Market Yourself” Scholarship, and we are working with numerous firms to help them provide financial assistance to students. If you are interested in creating a scholarship program, we can help you understand the best ways to do so, and we can help you promote your scholarship and your firm through your website, outreach to universities, and other methods. Contact our digital marketing professionals at 630-635-8000 to learn more about how we can help you create a winning strategy for your firm.

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