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Common Online Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

 Posted on November 19,2015 in Legal Marketing

marketing, mistakes, OVC Online MarketingDigital marketing is pretty simple, right? Build a half-decent website, post a few blurbs on social media, a blog post here and there, and potential clients will flock to your site and begin knocking down your door. Guess again. In an era where more and more consumers are turning to the Web to begin a large majority of their business relationships, a laissez-faire approach to online marketing is simply not an option if you want your firm to succeed.

For those who new to the idea of Internet-based business promotion, however, it is easy to get too excited and inadvertently lead their companies down the wrong path. With a little bit of research, along with the help of a qualified marketing team like the professionals at OVC, INC., your firm can avoid some all-too-common marketing mistakes.

A Poorly-Organized Strategy

You probably did not open the doors to your firm without first developing a detailed business plan. Even college students are often tasked with creating such a plan as part of an economics or business curriculum. Why should your marketing plan be any different? If you don’t have a clear idea of what your goals are, or a plan for how to get there, is there a way to tell how well it’s working? There are so many marketing tools available to increase your online visibility, but you can’t just pick a few at random and see how it goes. You and your team should carefully outline what you hope to achieve, and carefully select the particular elements your strategy will include. Then develop a plan for analyzing and revising your efforts as the need arises.

Too Much Spam

If you have had an email account for any length of time, you are familiar with spam emails—unwanted, unsolicited messages that clog up your inbox and waste your time. According to reports, there are more than 250 billion spam emails received every day, and when your message and approach are not constructed properly, your efforts could end up lost in the background noise with the rest of the junk mail. This doesn’t apply just to email marketing; companies new to social media often try to aggressively sell themselves every couple hours on Facebook or Instagram. Becoming part of an organic conversation about what you offer is fine—ideal, actually—but blasting newsfeeds with “click here” commandments turn potential clients off as fast as a mortgage refinance offer emailed to a 21-year-old renter living in downtown Chicago.

An Outdated Approach

The modern world changes unbelievably quickly. Everything from styles, to social morality, to new construction in local neighborhoods is constantly evolving, and online technology is no different. What may have worked to keep your firm visible and successful five to ten years ago probably isn’t working anymore, especially if you haven’t updated your approach since then. Today’s online marketing must be personal, it must be clear, and, extremely importantly, it must be mobile-friendly.

The smartphones and tablets currently sitting in the pocket or briefcase of nearly everyone you have come in contact with today are the keys to building your brand. When a potential customer needs information, he or she isn’t going to wait to get home, fire up the old desktop, and search WebCrawler to get answers. No, he or she is much more likely to pull out a smartphone and Google whatever it is he or she wants to know. Your firm must be positioned to meet the requirements of the modern consumer or someone else will.

Call OVC, INC. Today

If you are ready to take hard look at your firm’s online marketing strategy contact the professionals at OVC, INC. We have been providing web-based marketing solutions to attorneys around the country since 2008 and we are ready to put that experience to work for you. Call 630-635-8000 to speak with a member of our team and find out how we can help your company grow.






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