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How Clients Find Lawyers in 2015: Understanding the Need for Online Legal Marketing

 Posted on September 25,2015 in New Websites

online, lawyers, OVC Online MarketingFor decades, a prospective legal client in need of representation had very limited avenues for finding a lawyer. In most cases, he or she would start by digging out the trusty, old phone book and scanning the yellow pages for a firm that looked decent—if the firm was successful enough to spend the extra money— in a two-inch square advertisement. The potential client could also ask friends or family, which, depending on the legal matter at hand, could often be embarrassing or not easy to explain. Beyond that, much was left to mere chance. If a person was lucky enough to stumble upon a good lawyer, great. If not, it was sometimes difficult to tell before the damage was done.

Evolving Consumer Options

Fortunately, the communication age and the rise of digital technology is changing all of that. Do you remember the last time you opened a phone book? Do you even know where to find one? Similarly, modern consumers are also less likely to rely solely on the advice of friends and family without doing a little checking around for themselves. If you were in need of some type of service—say, a good auto body shop—would you ask a friend, then immediately call the shop ready to make an appointment? Maybe, but probably not. More likely, you would get the name of the business and find out what you could about the shop online. You would read reviews, see how they present themselves, and understand how they compare to similar options. Depending upon what you find, then you may be ready to trust them with your car.

Legal Applications

The same is happening throughout the legal world as well. Several recent consumer studies have shown that an ever-increasing number of would-be legal clients are turning to the internet early in their information gathering process. According to one survey, nearly 4 out of 10 respondents said they would search the web for an attorney first, with 3 out of 10 relying on a friend or relative to start. A second study, conducted by an Orlando, FL, area law firm, found that those who have recently hired lawyers were most likely to base their decisions on a combination of internet searches and Google information. Word of mouth and the advice of friends continue to factor highly into choosing an attorney, but there is no denying the importance of maintaining an online presence.

Build Your Brand with Our Help

While you may not have the first idea how to get your firm onto Google’s radar or how to otherwise begin attracting internet traffic, the experienced team at OVC, INC certainly does. We are equipped to help you create a customized, comprehensive website that will draw the attention of search engines and prospective clients on any digital platform.  We have been providing attorneys with reliable, effective web solutions since 2008 and are ready to take your frim to a whole new level of client visibility. Call 630-635-8000 to schedule a consultation today.







Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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