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Web Chatter Suggests a Google Algorithm Update in the Works

 Posted on January 31,2017 in Changes with Google

b2ap3_thumbnail_analytics-web-seo-search-engine.jpgWhen you need information about a restaurant, business, or a current event, chances are you start your search using a device connected to Google. You are not alone—Google’s search engine processes 3.5 billion queries on an average day. In determining what results to show you, Google uses a complex algorithm to “guess” which websites are most likely to provide the answers you need. The exact formula of Google’s search algorithm has never been released to the public, but it uses a large number of factors both about the websites it displays as results and the user conducting the search.

Webmasters and digital marketers are constantly in a race to optimize their sites to rank higher in search results so as to increase traffic to their sites and those of their clients. Therefore, when Google updates its algorithm, the changes can create a domino effect across the internet. Sometimes, such updates are rolled out with a great deal of fanfare and media attention; other times, they are kept much quieter. According to various forums and webmaster outlets, an algorithm change may be on its way right now.

Online Vigilance

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