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Let's Chat: Attorney's Expanding Website Functionality via Click-to-Chat Technology

 Posted on January 13,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

attorney click to chat marketingAs an attorney, in all probability your website has been professionally developed to specifically direct prospective clients to your site. Your informative website chronicles your professional credentials, provides contact information, hosts relevant blogs and informative videos, but can your website work even harder to harness prospective clients and generate more leads?

The answer is yes. According to The Lead Review, 80 percent of all legal Internet traffic is driven by prospective clients who are seeking answers to specific legal questions. This is your opportunity to be the attorney with the answers, anytime day or night.

By incorporating an interactive Click-to-Chat software within your website not only will you be able to monitor real-time Internet activity but you will also establish an immediate connection with a visiting potential client through the use of live chat or text capabilities.

This technology also expands your level of customer service with 24/7 availability and serves primarily as an “icebreaker.” By opening an interactive dialogue, you are increasing client-attorney trust as well as the length of time a prospective client remains on your website. The results? Increased leads and ultimately, an expanded client base.

If you are thinking about adding this technology to increase the functionality of your current website, there are a several determining factors to take into consideration:

  • The scope of functionality of the service
  • The level of analytical data you wish to collect
  • The designation of those responsible for responding
  • The response method – text or video chat options
  • The appearance and site location of your invitation "pop-up"
  • The time frame of availability of the service
  • The development of procedures with regard to ethical standards
  • The development and placement of all pertinent disclaimers
  • The decision to retain transcripts of all conversations

Just as you sought online marketing experts in the legal industry to design your website, the implementation of a successful Click-to-Chat installation requires the same level of knowledge and expertise to effectively enhance your website and internet presence.

Distinguishing itself as leader in the legal marketing industry, OVC. INC. offers comprehensive online marketing solutions including the development of a Click-to-Chat program. To find out more how this contract-free live chat monitoring service can work for you, contact us today at 630-635-8000 to start the conversation.


Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many law firms establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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