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Social Media Marketing Obstacles Solo Practicing Attorneys Face

 Posted on November 26,2014 in OVC Lawyer Marketing

attorney social media marketingSolo practicing attorneys often enjoy educational and technological tools an American Bar Association (ABA) membership provides them and their larger firm colleagues. However, they may lack a highly skilled in-house marketing team, leaving them flying solo when it comes to hurdling the obstacles of social media marketing.

If you fall under this classification, identifying obstacles in social media marketing can help you overcome them.

Time Management

If you are a solo or small firm attorney, no doubt you understand the limitations of time. Non-billable services, such as constructing and maintaining a comprehensive marketing campaign, can feel like time wasted. However, establishing a marketing plan early on can save you time in the end and, ultimately, result in improving your reputation.

Marketing Misconceptions

Although the ABA offers solo and small firm attorneys the same tools and resources afforded to larger firms, many attorneys are still uncomfortable with the transformation of yesterday’s marketing concepts. Misconceptions abound especially when it comes to establishing a solid online presence. Taking some time to understand social media marketing will help you feel more comfortable with the tools available.

Marketing vs. Advertising

Attorneys may still confuse marketing with advertising. In today’s landscape, marketing can exist without promotional components such as print, radio or television spots. The concept now focuses on the benefits of a long-range plan to build strong client relations resulting in an expanded referral network.

Advertising, on the other hand, is a form of “instant gratification” that can produce hit or miss results.

Taking Accountability into Account

For those attorneys who may have tried promotional activities not necessarily reflective of long-term business plans, time has been misused. Using unfocused or unrelatable promotional campaigns often appears inconsistent or inappropriate, resulting in a less than favorable outcome.

Cultural Clash

If choosing to initiate a social media marketing campaign, an attorney’s practice should also speak social media. It is important for your clients, as well as prospective clients, to sense that you are technological attuned.

Return on Investment (ROI)

By taking the time to utilize such social media tools as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and professional website development and relevant blog posts, the solo or small firm attorney can focus on the long-range development of client relationships.

If the number one obstacle to advancing to social media marketing is time, take a moment to learn more about how the experienced marketing team of OVC, INC. can maximize your time with an efficient, comprehensive and productive marketing campaign, contact our office at 630-635-8000 today.

Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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