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Attorneys Need to Visualize the Versatility of Facebook

 Posted on September 02,2014 in Campaigns

lawyer Facebook pageIt engages over 1.11 billion monthly users, launched a movie, had its share of legal issues, and brought Mark Zuckerberg to the forefront of social media, but are attorneys visualizing the full benefits of Facebook as a branding tool? Probably not.

For most practicing attorneys, creating a Facebook page was part of the vision when developing a social media marketing plan, but once created, it may have only received a nonchalant second glance. There is more to Facebook than meets the eye.

If you only update your Facebook page with the occasional comment, you are losing sight of all Facebook has to offer. By focusing on Facebook’s full potential, you would be able to see an increase in connectivity and interaction with prospective clients all at a minimal cost of only your vision and your time.

By taking a second look at Facebook, you may just see how it lends itself as a powerful tool to solidify your social validation. Prospective clients are searching for you or your firm by landing on your page to see what you have to offer. This validation of all of your social media efforts may finalize their decision to contact you regarding their legal concerns. If your Facebook page is lacking, they may start the discovery process all over again and click their way to another attorney or firm.

Another benefit of Facebook is the quick click ability of your clients to leave a lasting remark attesting to your legal insight directly on your page, validating your skills and experience as well as permitting you to view and manage your online reputation. A satisfied client leaving a glowing recommendation can open the eyes of prospective clients seeking an experienced attorney.

The goal? Create a visual and interactive experience for your audience. It is quite easy once you do this to increase prospective client activity on your page. Facebook does use an algorithm to rank your internet persona, and understanding this ranking system is key to increasing the number of visitors to your page as well as increasing your rank in the eyes of Facebook.

The algorithm currently ranks members by content and how popular you or your firm are viewed. If your marketing team or online marketing firm have advised you to continually update your page to increase likes, shares and comments, you should be taking their advice. The more activity on your page, the more activity for your practice or your firm. By providing visuals and pertinent information, you will see an increase in activity and business.  Business pages that are more visual in nature are the ones with the most traffic. If you are currently only updating your page with textual inserts on an intermittent basis, it may be time to revisit with your marketing team or a member of your online marketing team to learn more.

Branding and keeping your online presence current and interesting is important to you as a practicing attorney. With saturation of the legal market, you need to be seen as a leader in the industry. Invite clients to start a relationship with you online that will eventually pull them into your brick and mortar address. Facebook is and should remain at the top of your social medial marketing campaign punch list. It should be given the diligent attention it requires to solidify your ranking in the ever evolving internet market. Creatively building and maintaining your professional online persona will only validate your legal credibility with potential clients.

To learn more about how defining your legal niche by sharing daily posts, useful articles, daily legal tips or relevant blogs via your Facebook account as a means to increase and drive traffic to your page, stop by your marketing team office or contact a leader in online marketing for attorneys. The experienced team at OVC, INC. can bring your vision to life by working with you to develop a more interactive Facebook page to increase traffic and build your brand.  If you have questions and are eager to get started, contact us today at 630-635-8000 for more information about how we can bring your marketing vision into focus.
Greg Wildman OVC, INC. Lawyer MarketingAbout the Author: Greg Wildman is the President of OVC, INC. Since 1999, Greg has developed hundreds of websites for attorneys from his company's inception as Online Video Concepts, LLC to the modern era's OVC, INC. Greg's knowledge of law firm marketing has helped many attorneys establish online presences through custom website development, Search Engine Optimization, legal directory partnerships, social media marketing, content writing and more.

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