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Increasing Use of Ad-Blocking Software Changing Online Marketing

 Posted on July 07,2016 in Search Engine Marketing

OVC Online Marketing for LawyersAnytime you browse the internet, you are likely to be bombarded with dozens of advertisements and marketing efforts by various companies trying to promote their products. Even a simple mobile app is often accompanied an endless cycle of ads; the ad-free versions typically cost extra. In recent years, more and more internet users have begun installing ad-blocking software—typically as an app or a browser extension—which attempt to screen advertisements and provide a more enjoyable user experience. Business experts, however, are concerned about the ultimate impact of ad-blocking software, and some have even gone so far to predict that such programs will bring about the end of the internet as we currently know it.

Advertising on Television

For many decades, television was the primary source of home entertainment and information. While cable television was available as early as 1948, it didn’t become particularly popular until the 1970s. This meant that most television watchers relied on programs that were broadcast locally and underwritten by corporate sponsors. In some cases, the name of the sponsor was part of the program title, including the United States Steel Hour, General Electric Theater, and Schlitz Playhouse of Stars. The corresponding advertisements throughout such shows were essentially the cost of doing business. Viewers were receiving entertainment at no cost to them; the expenses were borne by the sponsors, who, in turn, had the opportunity to present their products.

Internet User Indifference

By and large, the same holds true on the internet today. Users pay a nominal fee to be connected, but the majority of the content they access is provided for free. Like television, there are costs involved with developing, hosting, and maintaining websites, pages, and informational content, which are often covered by sponsors in exchange for advertising opportunities. As the use of ad-blocking software increases—currently about one-in-three users utilize ad-blocking on a desktop or mobile device—advertising sponsors are often prevented from reaching their target audience, which, as one might expect, can have a negative effect on the company’s finances. Internet users, however, couldn’t care less about that.

According to a study conducted late last year, more than 80 percent of internet users say that they do not care about the impact that ad-blocking software can have on advertising businesses. On the other hand, the majority of users are also not willing to pay anything themselves to reduce ads on the sites they visit. Two-thirds of respondents in the same study said they would not take advantage of payment options that reduce the site’s need for sponsors. In essence, most who use the internet want quality content and services and do not want to pay for it, but also do not want to be targeted by the companies who are paying for it. Such a system is not sustainable.

Alternatives to Direct Advertising

Most ad-blocking software is designed to catch downloadable ad content before it can display on a user’s screen. This means that other avenues are still available to reach potential clients in ways that are much more pleasant and less intrusive. Content and video marketing, for example, can place your firm among the top in search engine results, meaning that users can easily find you when they need your services. In a similar way, social media campaigns can present your message on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, without resorting to pop-up ads or other devices that annoy users rather than attract them.

A well-designed marketing strategy will keep your potential clients engaged, not send them looking to find a better ad-blocking program. To learn more about developing a plan for growing your online visibility, contact the professionals at OVC, INC. We understand the power of the internet and are ready to help you reach prospective customers like never before. Call 630-635-8000 for a free website analysis today.








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