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6 Ways Law Firms Can Connect With Clients During the Holidays

 Posted on December 11,2023 in Legal Marketing

OVC Lawyer Marketing

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and spreading goodwill. It is also an opportunity for law firms to connect with their clients in meaningful ways. Doing so can not only help attorneys build strong relationships with their clients throughout the year, but it can also help demonstrate a firm’s values and its commitment to the local community, the legal profession, and the interests of people who need assistance with legal issues. Some ways a firm can build connections with others during the holidays include:

Blogs: Share Seasonal Legal Tips and Insights

Blogging is an effective way for attorneys to provide valuable information to their audience while showcasing their knowledge and experience in their practice areas. During the holiday season, blogs may cover topics such as "Tips for Safe Holiday Travel" or "Navigating Family Law Issues During Festive Gatherings." These types of articles offer practical advice tailored specifically for this time of year. 

By writing informative blog posts related to current legal issues surrounding the holidays, lawyers can position themselves as reliable sources of knowledge for people who are seeking help with legal issues. Clients will appreciate receiving guidance that directly addresses their concerns during this busy period. 

Social Media: Engage With People Through Festive Content

Social media provides an opportunity for direct interaction between attorneys and their clients, making it an excellent platform for connecting with people during the holidays. A law firm can create engaging content such as festive greetings, or they can share interesting facts about different aspects of the law that may be relevant during this time, such as consumer protection laws related to gift purchases. 

A law firm may consider hosting interactive contests or giveaways exclusively on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. This encourages clients to engage with them while increasing awareness about the services the firm provides. Attorneys can encourage people to share their holiday experiences, ask legal questions, or provide testimonials about a firm's services. 

Email Newsletters: Stay Top of Mind During the Holiday Season

Sending out regular email newsletters is an excellent way to nurture relationships with existing clients. A law firm can wish people happy holidays while also providing valuable legal information or updates on changes in relevant laws. Newsletters may include sections such as "Holiday Legal Tips," "Recent Case Highlights," or even articles outlining a law firm’s community involvement during the holiday season. 

Online Videos: Connect on a More Personal Level

In addition to written content, a law firm may consider creating short videos during the holiday season where lawyers can discuss common issues people may face during this time. High-quality video content can increase visibility and engagement across multiple platforms like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more. A firm can offer practical advice regarding topics specific to different practice areas such as "Divorce Mediation Tips for Co-Parenting During the Holidays" or "Estate Planning Considerations Before Year-End." By posting informative videos regularly throughout the holiday season, a firm can offer valuable insights into various legal matters while establishing trust with potential clients.

Charitable Donations: Give Back to the Community

The holidays are a time for giving. Law firms can show their commitment to the community by getting involved in charitable initiatives. They may consider organizing a food or toy drive, volunteering at local shelters, or making donations to organizations that support causes related to their practice areas. By actively participating in charity work and sharing these experiences on a website and social media platforms, clients will see firsthand that the firm values their legal needs and the wider community. This fosters goodwill towards the firm while demonstrating the dedication that attorneys have to help people in ways that go beyond simply providing legal services.

Local Events: Connect Face-to-Face

Attending or holding local events during the holiday season is another fantastic way for law firms to connect with clients on a more personal level. A firm may host an open house at its office where clients can drop by for refreshments and informal conversations with attorneys. Firms may also consider sponsoring or participating in local holiday parades, festivals, or other community activities. These events provide opportunities for direct client engagement, and they also serve as valuable networking opportunities within the local community. 

Contact Our Law Firm Marketing Experts

At OVC, INC., we work with attorneys and law firms to develop successful marketing strategies that encompass websites, social media, online videos, advertising, and much more. To learn how our attorney marketing professionals can help your firm succeed during the holidays, contact us at 630-635-8000.

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