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5 Blogging Tips for Attorney Websites

 Posted on February 28,2022 in Blogs

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_348905468.jpgWhile there are many tools that law firms can use to connect with potential clients online, blogs can be particularly beneficial. Attorneys can use blogs to provide regular updates on a variety of topics that are important to their clients. This may include discussing news stories related to their areas of practice, adding additional information about the legal issues discussed on their site, or providing insight into the types of cases they handle. This can provide a significant boost to search engine optimization (SEO), since adding relevant content to a site will make it more likely to show up in search results when people are looking for a lawyer who can meet their needs. By understanding the best ways to use blogs, attorneys can make sure they are getting the most out of their website and their overall marketing strategy.

Tip #1: Discuss Legal Topics in a Way That Is Easy to Understand

Lawyers will want to make sure their blogs are readable and that they provide people with helpful information. By avoiding difficult-to-understand legal terminology and explaining topics in clear, simple language, attorneys can make sure people who are looking for information online will be able to find answers to their questions. Writing blogs that break down complex legal issues into a more understandable form is not always easy, but well-written blogs can demonstrate that a lawyer has the necessary knowledge and can provide their clients with the assistance they need.

Tip #2: Include Relevant Keywords

Keywords are the terms that people type into search engines when they are looking for information. By understanding what people are searching for, including the specific words and phrases they are likely to use in their searches, a law firm can make sure their blogs are targeted toward their potential clients. A blog that discusses a certain topic should include multiple variations of the keywords that it is targeting. It should also have an eye-catching title that includes the main keyword being discussed in the blog.

Tip #3: Add Links to Practice Area Pages

To encourage readers to browse through a website and learn more information about a firm’s services, a blog should include links to other pages. Linking to the main page for the practice area being discussed in the blog is a good idea, but any other sub-topics or legal issues mentioned may be an opportunity to add relevant links. This will not only be helpful for visitors to the site, but it can have SEO benefits as well, since these links can provide search engines with information about the topics that a website covers.

Tip #4: Include a Call to Action

Since the purpose of attorney websites and blogs is to attract potential clients, every blog should include information about what readers can do next to get legal help with the issues they are facing. Blogs should include a concluding paragraph stating that people can contact a firm by calling them on the phone or filling out an online contact form. Other helpful information may be included as well, such as noting that a firm offers free consultations.

Tip #5: Share Blogs After They Are Published

To boost the visibility of blogs after they are published, an attorney or law firm can share them on social media or include them in a newsletter sent to their clients. Doing so will create additional opportunities for connecting with people online, answering their questions, and letting them know how a firm can address their legal needs.

Contact Our Blogging and Online Marketing Experts

Regularly publishing blogs can be a daunting task, especially for attorneys who are busy with other tasks related to the cases they handle. That is why it can be beneficial to work with professionals who can write and publish blogs for a lawyer as part of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. At OVC, INC., we provide our clients with well-written blogs that follow the best practices for SEO, helping law firms get found in online searches and connect with new clients. To learn more about our blogging services, contact our digital marketing professionals today at 630-635-8000.




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